Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church

Revealing God's Character Through a Growing Relationship with Jesus

Note from the Pastor

Dear Church Family,

Well, I can’t believe we are already looking to go back inside in two-plus weeks.  The summer, although not officially over yet, is coming to a close.  In fact, a month from now we will officially be in the fall season.  Also, the fall season marks the Woody Family being here at the Monroe church for 5 years!  It seems like yesterday we received the call to come to the Monroe church.  So privileged to be doing ministry beside each of you.

I write to you today asking that you pray for our church, especially for some ministries that are in desperate need of help, support, and leadership.  The first and foremost is our children’s ministries.  We greatly need someone to answer the call to ministry in this area.  Angie Campanello, who has served in this position for 4+ years, has now stepped down because she has taken on another major endeavor—to be the principal at Sky Valley Adventist School.  She is also teaching, along with being the principal.  She has done an amazing job, and although we will miss her in this position, I know God has called her to SVAS. 

Would you join me in praying for our Children’s Ministries department?  Please pray that the Holy Spirit impresses upon the hearts of our church family; and that whoever He is calling to fulfill this position would trust that God will equip them.  Thank you.  I don’t have to paint the picture for you of what will happen if no one steps up.  Without a leader, there will not be a ministry, and without a children’s ministry, we will lose more than another ministry at this church, we will lose our children - our most precious gift.

Other areas that we don’t have a presence in or are in need of fresh leadership:

  • Deacon Ministry - we need more deacons!  And Nick also needs to step down as head deacon
  • Youth Ministry - Woodys and Beierles have been involved in youth for almost 30 years (well, the Woodys anyway; Beierles are close behind us:). It’s time the teens had some fresh energy—even though we are fabulous ;)
  • Pathfinders—we have no leadership, therefore no ministry
  • We always need more children’s bible study/worship time teachers (Sabbath School teachers)
  • Women’s Ministries—we have no leader, therefore no ministry
  • Prayer Ministry—need more people a part of this ministry
  • We are all a part of the outreach team, but the organizational team for outreach could always use more members

The list can go on and on... Please pray that our hearts are open to where He may be calling us, and who He may be putting on our hearts to ask to join/lead a ministry.  Plan now to be a part of our Ministry Bazaar Sabbath on September 7, where you can learn more about our ministry needs here at the Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church, and how they fit in our overall vision and mission.

- Pastor Jen

Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

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